Dog Days of Summer

July 15, 2021
Come meet therapy dogs at Children's Museum Houston's Dog Days of Summer.

Are you ready to raise the woof?  Children’s Museum Houston invites you to em-“bark” on a doggone adventure as you catch dancing dogs perform and hang out with cuddly-soft, friendly therapy dogs.


Texas Six Steppers:  Catch a sneak peek of capering canines busting doggie moves.

Event Times:  At 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. at Brown Auditorium.


Faithful Paws: Come see cuddly- soft, friendly therapy dogs.

Event Time: 12 and 1 p.m. at Brown Auditorium.


Chiquito:  Snap a selfie with the 12-foot, largest dog piñata installation.

Event Time:  All day by Museum entrance.



Pet Care Collage:  Piece together everything a pet needs to stay cool and happy this summer at Alexander Art Academy.

Beat the Heat:  Learn how animals stay cool at EcoStation.

Dog Ear Crowns:  Turn into man’s best friend when you make a pair of your own dog ears in Junktion.

Sponsored by Gilbert Andrew Garcia and Garcia Hamilton Associates.